Purpose of database

The purpose of our unique student record database - the first in Nigeria - is to help schools of all sizes gain more insights from their student performance data/records that is otherwise lost because of limited analysis, no analysis or student records locked up in paper records. 

If you are interested in an offline student record management application, find out here

Benefits of database

General Benefits

1. Provides statistical analysis of student records that informs school managers of where lapses are in the school based on student performance data.
2. Integrates modern database tools with student records that allows school administrators dissect student performance data in various perspectives.
3. Provides warehousing services/online backup of student records that is available indefinitely.
4. Provides a platform for digitalization of student records for schools with limited resources for in-house information technology (IT) department. 

Benefits to School Administrator

1. Easily track and compare student performance on various subjects based on individual, class, section and session student performance data.
2. Easily track and verify past student performance from other schools on various subjects where the other school is in our database.
3. Easily track and quickly compare teacher performance based on student performance data to determine students, classes or sections need more teacher focus. 
4. Helps in identifying best and poor performing teachers based on student performance data.
5. Compare your school performance with other schools in your area on various subjects where the other school is in our database.
6. Provides a tool for the school counsellor to better monitor student progress that informs the nature of academic counselling required.
7. Provides a reference to engage with parents of poor performing students.
8. Provides quick reference to student assessment record where the student does not have an assessment booklet (especially in schools still using continuous assessment booklets).

Benefits to School Counsellor

1. Quickly assess the academic performance of students to determine areas of academic/career guidance and counselling based on student performance data.
2. Advice senior secondary students on their best subjects/courses for future careers based on their performance data.
3. Advice teachers on specific academic needs of a child based on student performance data.
4. Provides a reference to engage parents of poor performing students.

How it works

1. Read about the student record database on this page.

2. Fill the application form below depending on your school profile.

3. Make required payment.

4. Contact person registers authorized personnel on our website based on licenses purchased ( 

5. Email us your student records data in a spreadsheet including details of student records.

6. Student records are uploaded, analyzed and presented on your school dashboard in our database application. 

7. Log into the database to view your records.



1. School located within the Federal Capital Territory

2. School located within State Capitals

3. School located outside State Capitals

Default (three licenses) 

N20,000 per class per year*

N18,000 per class per year*

N15,000 per class per year*

Additional license 

N5,000 per year

N4,000 per year

N3,000 per year

Enterprise license (Unlimited) (Naira)


For all enquiries, please contact us by email to:


* A class includes a maximum of 50 students. 

** No refunds after payment as this is a digital product.

         Contact Us

F-line, Ewet Housing, Uyo, 

Akwa Ibom State, 



Phone: +234-9034596211


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